Saturday 21 December 2013

DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

How is everyone's Christmas shopping going? I was very organised this year and started buying a few presents back in August. Whenever I saw something I thought would make a good present for someone on my list, I just bought it and put it away in the cupboard. Of course, there are always those people who are hard to buy for, and in the days leading up to Christmas I usually end up picking up some sort of gift set or a box of chocolates. 

If this sounds anything like you, why not make a few gifts yourself this year? A homemade gift is much more thoughtful than the generic box of chocolates, and they're pretty fun to make! Here are some ideas:

This DIY mint and honey lip scrub by A Little Glass Box makes my mouth water, and is so nicely packaged.

Edible goodies are always a good idea! Why not make this brownie mix from Call me Cupcake, or a delicious lemon loaf.
These personalised coffee mugs from A Beautiful Mess are an awesome idea!
I can smell these delicious bamb bombs from Spreading Sunshine already! 

I've always wanted to try making soap, and these orange and tea-tree soaps from Offbeat and Inspired would make this perfect Christmas gift. 

You could also think about making my DIY teacup candles, DIY Christmas muesli, or my cute Shrewsbury Drops. My macarons would also make a great gift and can be packaged up so nicely!

Are you still doing last-minute shopping? The crowds get crazy this time of year!



  1. These are great ideas! I've been planning on trying to make these DIY mugs, they look awesome!

  2. heey i really enjoy reading your blog! keep posting ;)
    would you mind to follow each other? :)

    Kisses from Hong Kong :*


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