How cool is it that there are so many cat-related clothes, shoes and even hats out there at the moment? Speaking of cats, these shoes are no longer wearable because Smudge attacked them! He's ruined my best two pairs of shoes now, but he's such a sweetie I can't stay angry with him for long.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend, its a long one for us here in Kiwi-land! X Molly
My skin is in dire need of some TLC after being covered up all winter, so I thought I'd make some sugar scrub. I love the feel of my skin after having a good scrub in the shower, and then smothering it with body butter.
The best thing about making your own body scrub is that you know exactly what goes in to it, and you probably have most of the ingredients in your house already. With all the chemicals I put onto my body and face daily, its good to be able to use some natural products for a change. Coconut and Lemon Body Scrub
You will need: 2 C sugar 1/4 C coconut oil 1/4 C olive oil 1/4 C shredded coconut Juice and rind of one lemon
1. Add the sugar, coconut, and lemon zest to a mixing bowl. 2. Add the oils and the lemon juice and mix it all up.
3. Find a pretty jar for your sugar scrub4. Fill the jar with your scrub and get scrubbing! Its as easy as that.
Smooth legs, feet and hands are only minutes away!
Banana and Coconut Ice Cream Per person: 1 banana 1 Tbsp shredded coconut 1 tsp cinnamon Optional extras: Peanut butter, nutella, anything else you can dream up! Peel the banana, slice it up, and put it in a plastic bag or container in the freezer. Once frozen, simply place the banana and coconut into a food processor or blender, along with the other ingredients. Stop and scrape down the sides with a rubber spatula every so often. Blend until smooth, then serve up and enjoy!
This is super easy, and a nice way to replace store-bought ice cream if you are trying to cut down on your sugar and fat intake. Ice cream can now be a guilt-free, mid-afternoon snack!